C & MATLAB Program of Runge-Kutta (RK4) Method
As we know, Taylor’s series is a numerical method used for solving differential equations and is limited by the work to be done in finding the derivatives…
C & MATLAB Program of Euler’s Method
Euler’s method is used for approximating solutions to certain differential equations and works by approximating a solution curve with line segments. In some cases, it’s not possible to write down an equation…
C Program For Regula Falsi Method
Regula Falsi method or the method of false position or false position method is a numerical method for solving an equation in one unknown. It is quite similar to the bisection method…
C Program For Gauss Elimination Method
In mathematics, the Gauss elimination method is known as the row reduction algorithm for solving linear equations systems. It consists of a sequence of operations performed on…
C Program For Lagrange’s Interpolation Method
Lagrange’s interpolation is also an nth degree polynomial approximation to f(x). In numerical analysis, Lagrange polynomials are used for polynomial interpolation. For a given set of points (xj,yj)…
C Program For Newton’s Backward Interpolation
Newton’s backward interpolation is another way of approximating a function with an nth degree polynomial passing through (n+1) equally spaced points. Newton’s Backward Interpolation Formula Newton’s Backward…
C Program For Newton’s Forward Interpolation
Newton’s forward interpolation is a polynomial interpolation that depends on the initial value and degrees of Newton’s forward operator. The degree of polynomial fitted is one less…
C Program For Gauss-Seidel Method
In numerical linear algebra, the Gauss-Seidel method, also known as the Liebmann method or the method of successive displacement, is an iterative method used to solve a…
C Program For Simpson’s 1/3rd Rule
Simpson’s 1/3rd rule is an extension of the trapezoidal rule in which the integrand is approximated by a second-order polynomial. Simpson rule can be derived from the…