C Program For Simpson’s 1/3rd Rule

Simpson’s 1/3rd rule is an extension of the trapezoidal rule in which the integrand is approximated by a second-order polynomial. Simpson rule can be derived from the various way using Newton’s divided difference polynomial,  Lagrange polynomial and the method of coefficients. Simpson’s 1/3rd rule is defined by:

ab f(x) dx = h/3 [(y+ yn) + 4(y+ y+ y+ …. + yn-1) + 2(y+ y+ y+ ….. + yn-2)]

This rule is known as Simpson’s One-third rule.

Simpson’s 1/3rd Rule Example

Evaluate ∫01exdx, by Simpson’s ⅓rd rule.


Let us divide the range [0, 1] into six equal parts by taking h = 1/6.

If x0 = 0 then y0 = e0 = 1.

If x1 = x+ h = ⅙, then y1 = e1/6 = 1.1813

If x2 = x+ 2h = 2/6 = 1/3 then, y2 = e1/3 = 1.3956

If x3 = x+ 3h = 3/6 = ½ then y3 = e1/2= 1.6487

If x4 = x+ 4h = 4/6 ⅔ then y= e2/3 = 1.9477

If x5 = x+ 5h = ⅚ then y5 = e5/6 = 2.3009

If x= x+ 6h = 6/6 = 1 then y6 = e= 2.7182

We know by Simpson’s ⅓ rule;

ab f(x) dx = h/3 [(y+ yn) + 4(y+ y+ y+ …. + yn-1) + 2(y+ y+ y+ ….. + yn-2)]


01exdx = (1/18) [(1 + 2.7182) + 4(1.1813 + 1.6487 + 2.3009) + 2(1.39561 + 1.9477)]

=  (1/18)[3.7182 + 20.5236 + 6.68662]

= 1.7182 (approx.)

C Program

//Simpson's one-third rule
//This code is written by Souvik Ghosh
/* Define function here */
float f(float x){
return exp(x);
// main function
void main()
 float lower, upper, integration=0.0, h, k,simIntegration,error;
 int i, subInterval;
 /* Input */
 printf("Enter lower limit of integration: ");
 scanf("%f", &lower);
 printf("Enter upper limit of integration: ");
 scanf("%f", &upper);
 printf("Enter number of sub intervals: ");
 scanf("%d", &subInterval);

 /* Calculation */
 /* Finding h */
 h = (upper - lower)/subInterval;

 /* Finding Integration Value */
 integration = f(lower) + f(upper);
 for(i=1; i<= subInterval-1; i++)
  k = lower + i*h;
   integration +=2 * f(k);
   integration +=4 * f(k);
 integration = integration * h/3;
 printf("\nRequired value of integration is: %.6f\n", integration);

Output Terminal

Simpson's 1/3rd rule output

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