C Program For Newton-Raphson Method

The Newton-Raphson method (also known as Newton’s method) is a way to quickly find a good approximation for the root of a real-valued function f(x)=0. It uses the idea that a continuous and differentiable function can be approximated by a straight line tangent to it.

Newton-Raphson Method Solved Example

Newton-Raphson Method Solved Example

C Program

//Newton-Raphson Method
//This Code is written by Souvik Ghosh
/* Defining equation to be solved.
   Change this equation to solve another problem. */
#define f(x) x*x-4*x-7
/* Defining derivative of g(x).
   As you change f(x), change this function also. */
#define g(x) 2*x-4
//main function
void main()
	 float x0, x1, f0, f1, g0, e;
	 int step = 1, N;
     /* Inputs */
	 printf("\nEnter initial guess:\n");
	 scanf("%f", &x0);
	 printf("Enter tolerable error:\n");
	 scanf("%f", &e);
	 printf("Enter maximum iteration:\n");
	 scanf("%d", &N);
	 /* Implementing Newton Raphson Method */
	      f0 = f(x0);
		  g0 = g(x0);
		  if(g0 == 0.0)
			   printf("Mathematical Error.");
		  x1 = x0 - f0/g0;
		  x0 = x1;
		  if(step > N)
			   printf("Not Convergent.");

		  f1 = f(x1);


	 printf("\nThe Root is: %0.4f", x1);

Output Terminal

Newton-Raphson Method C Program Output

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